Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirit and Solitude


A Beautiful Aloneness

Nov 18, 2018

A Beautiful Aloneness

The above picture, taken at the arriving of the first big snow in Georgetown, Maine, and only days ago, is from a ridge overlooking the river basin. This scene keeps appearing in heart, evoking the sense of quiet Aloneness, the invitation of Solitude sufficient within Itself. This Solitude is Silence, is Aloneness never alone. The scene points, for me, to the Communion that has become thematic for ongoing offerings from "Lotus," since my arriving here for winter. This setting, and so much more in Nature, hints to us, even invites us to, quietness of Being. The Hindu phrase "Alone with the Alone," empty yet full, content with Itself yet totally receptive, takes on new meaning for me since earlier years in teaching about and aspiring to be true to a contemplative way of life.

here, timelessly always Here, wherever,
in a spaciousness moving yet still,
in a quietness embracing arising of sound,
beyond anyone and not-anyone, anything and no-thing.

a Heart receptive to all arising,
any creature appearing, coming and going,
freely receptive for free of it all,
empty, so full in the same moving Moment.

Togetherness arises from the spaciousness, sky-like,
wherein one no longer moves
toward or away from
as a self separate ~ so, Communion! ~

this Beautiful Aloneness,
by-nature is and is spontaneously welcoming,
for all Its welcomings is a single
welcoming of Itself to Itself.

such graceful Grace gracing
unveils Itself and is known immediately as Gift,
can never be found, can never be lost.

one is left alone, then, in One, a silent, quiet joy with,
and inarticulate gratitude,
an ecstatic solitude

which is, wherever one is,
our resting Place,
inside Love by Love,
outside time in time.

Grace adores Itself in Its being in and through one resting, adoring in Quietness. One cannot find this Restfulness, this Aloneness, one can only be found by It.


*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirit and Solitude

©Brian Wilcox 2024